Privacy Policy​

NOTRE-DAME DE PARIS THE AUGMENTED EXHIBITION Production Committee (The Committee) handles a large amount of personal information in its duties planning and creating online and video content, as well as operating events. The Committee, in accordance with this Privacy Policy, takes seriously its duty to handle this information appropriately and has set in place systems to manage this personal information and to ensure that each individual employee does their part to protect it.

Appropriately obtaining, using, and providing personal information

The Committee will, with consideration to the content and scale of a project, obtain personal information through the appropriate channels and methods as necessary to the execution of the project. This personal information will be used only for the explicitly stated objectives, and in the event of a change in objective, the user shall be notified and asked for explicit permission in advance. Personal information shall not be provided to third parties, except for those third parties that the Committee engages as outsourcing partners in the performance of the Committee’s duties in a given project. To prevent the usage or provision of personal information outside of the stated objective, the person responsible for the management of personal information will review the validity of each instance in which it is to be used or provided. The Committee shall also exercise control over its operations through self-checks and internal reviews.

Safety Measures for the Protection of Personal Information

(1) Measures for the Prevention of Leaks, Loss, and Damage, etc.

The Committee uses proper security measures to prevent leaks, loss, and damage to personal information. The Committee also provides the necessary education and performs the necessary audits to ensure these measures are strictly adhered to. The Committee carefully selects and audits partners when outsourcing duties that involve the handling of personal information.

(2) Corrective Measures with Regards to Leaks, Loss, and Damage, etc.

In the event that leaks, losses, or damages occur to personal information, the Committee shall, in addition to acting swiftly and prioritizing above all else the rectification of the situation and the avoidance of further damages, analyze the cause of said leaks, losses, or damages and take measures to prevent the reoccurrence of said leaks, losses, or damages. In the event of an incident, the Committee shall report relevant information as necessary to related parties and organizations.

Compliance with Laws, National Guidelines, and Other Regulations

The Committee shall comply with all laws and regulations, government guidelines, and regulations of groups to which it belongs.

Ongoing Improvement of Personal Information Protection System(s)

The Committee shall utilize systems to protect personal information and, in addition to standard upkeep, shall regularly review and make a continuous effort to improve these systems.

Response to Complaints or Inquiries Concerning Personal Information

If you have a query or complaint for the Committee concerning the handling of personal information, please contact the below Private Information Contact. Inquiries about the Committee’s Privacy Policy may also be directed here.

Private Information Contact
email: contact_nd[atmark]

The Notre Dame Cathedral: A Journey Through History Production Committee
Committee Head
Toshihide Maeda

Guidelines Established: May 29, 2024